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Qing Pu Projects with WISS

Qingpu / Jiading

Good News for the Migrant Kids

 “Children of migrant workers who attend schools in the city will get more opportunities to read at libraries and work out in sports facilities this year…Equipp

The China Daily

“Zhou Shuheng, whose story will now be published into a book, tells of how he left his home at 16 and began life as a migrant worker in Fujian province.

Thank You Dinner for volunteers at Shanghai Baoshan M-kids center

On the evening of 3rd January, 2010, Shanghai M-kids Center, supported by You Dao Foundation has hosted the 2009 Thank You Dinner at a restaurant near Shanghai University.

Gifts giving to needy families for Christmas 2009

At this festival season, You Dao Foundation supported by YCIS Parents Organisation Pudong and one of You Dao friends, Ms Maia Schulze Tsang along with other expat parents and their children in Shanghai have prepared many thoughtful gifts for the children from poor and needy families for them to enjoy the Christmas Season. Teacher Wang from Qingcun Golden Year Kindergarten has represented You Dao Foundation to delivered the gifts to the poor and needy families who received Australian Chamber of Commerce scholarship

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